Im bloody penny, yet I can be a bit of tita. I'm 17 years old and 5'6". Basically I'm just a rattly wahine and a full-on kook. A Tad is an iki piki snowboarder and alright in hockey. I mean, what the heck do you expect when I play hockey with a zipload of guys and I just happen to be the only girl? It's pretty bonzer when these boys complain that I've hurt them...then I get a plenalty. hmpf. 
I plan on becoming a fashion desiger...actually I'm going to major in Merchindising, well that's if I plan on running my own company.
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Favorites Here's a list of some of my favorite actors/actresses: Jerry Lewis, Audrey Hepburn, Jessica Alba, Nicholas Cage... Here's a list of some of my favorite music: Disturbed, Kittie, Killing Heidi, System of a Down, Drowning Pool... |